February is National Heart Month, so start thinking about ways to strengthen your heart & spring projects, that a dumpster would make life easier.
Okay, we know this is a stretch, but it’s the middle of winter and we just want you to think about some important things. The first is that heart disease is the number one killer of men and woman in the U.S. And since we think living is a good thing, we want to take some time and blog space here to share some good news. That good news is you can make a change and live a healthier and longer life. Below are a list of recommendations from the American Heart Association that will help.
Wisdom for the Heart
- Be smoke-free. Click on this link to learn how to quit smoking.
- Manage your blood cholesterol. Click here to learn how to manage you cholesterol.
- Manage your blood pressure. This link to the Mayo Clinic can help with blood pressure issues.
- Manage diabetes, and get tested for it if not diagnosed with it. Read more here about this disease that impacts 10 percent of the country.
- Be physically active. Try these six low-impact cardio exercises.
- Achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Get moving and then click here for tips to control your appetite.
- Enjoy a variety of nutritious foods. Click here for 20 foods that can save your heart .
- Look after your mental health. Here are nine suggestions to help your mental health.
Spring Projects and Rental Dumpsters
Now, as your eating better and exercising, start thinking about spring projects around the house. That’s right, spring is getting closer every day. One of the suggestions in the mental health article is to focus on one thing. We suggest focusing on a project that will get you moving and make your home a better place to live. Right now, your grass and landscape are pretty dreary. But soon, they will come to life. When that happens, make sure there is a
Blue Box Rental
dumpster in the picture.
One of the worse things for a heart is to have a huge mess to clean up after the work is “done.” If you
order a dumpster
for the first day of the project, there is one place for all the debris and mess to go to be hauled away. That way, when the project is done, it’s
done, because the mess will be gone!
We at Blue Box Rental want to schedule your dumpster soon for your spring project. Once the threat of winter weather subsides, we get lots of requests. And our dumpsters are just the right size. They will fit easily in a driveway, side yard or backyard. They are also big enough to handle many commercial projects.
If you know your project dates, contact us here for an estimate for a rental dumpster.
In the meantime, we hope you and your family have a happy and heart-healthy February!