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Boonsboro “Tough Spot” Provides Challenge, VICTORY for Dumpster Rental

Narrow driveway in Boonsboro MD is not a problem for the blue box dumpster rental
Narrow driveway in Boonsboro MD is not a problem for the blue box dumpster rental

A narrow driveway did not discourage the Blue Box team from putting this dumpster where the customer needed it to be.

What happens if you live in a park-like setting with a narrow, tree-lined driveway that has a stone wall on one side and you need a dumpster near the house? Oh, did we mention the driveway is  up hill and on a curve between Lappans, MD and Boonsboro, MD?  Of course the answer would be to call one of the big dumpster rental companies with the huge dumpsters that “have seen it all,” right? But what happens when they all turn you down, but still have to complete the work at hand? That’s when you call the local, family-owned company with compact driveway dumpsters that can place a dumpster in that tight spot for your convenience!

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